Let yourself Go in a safe environment


TuiNa is one of the oldest massage techniques and is a combination of very specific hand placement and strength. This intense full-body massage reduces pain, knots and stress, strengthens the immune system and removes toxins. In addition, the meridians and acupuncture points are stimulated. For anyone who has been walking around with painful muscle complaints for a long time. (frozen shoulder, being stuck after fall or surgery, preparation for atlas correction, ...)
I like to work together with your physiotherapist, some deep, solid TuiNa treatments can then be followed up by your kinestherician

125€ - 90’ (massage with acupuncture and / or cupping)

Cancellation Policy

If you make a reservation, your place will be reserved for you. If you cancel your appointment less than 24 hours in advance or if you do not come, the appointment will still be charged.

You can pay with the bank app or cash


Rue Dieudonné Lefèvre 4, 1020 Laken
(come-in, door on the left bel no 4)