Biography - Reinhilde Terryn


follow my passion

Ten years ago, I took my first steps on the path of Chinese medicine. A new world opened up to me. The Chinese view of health is philosophical, poetic and focused on the here and now.  It is rooted in a two thousand five hundred year old tradition that is constantly being passed down and improved.  I am passionate about health and Chinese medicine and regularly attend refresher courses to supplement my knowledge and continue to evolve in my treatments.

As a nurse I am aware of Western medical developments and I also understand Western diagnoses.


2022. Masterclass Divergente trajecten, centrum Sebregts
Masterclass Cooking as a herbalist, Andrew Sterman
Qi nutrition, Daverick Leggett
2021. Oncology acupuncture, international certificaat, Maimon Yair
Eating according to the fife elements, ICZO-Antwerp
2021. Masterclass Nutrition and cancer, OTCG-Antwerpen
Psycho-emotionel acupuncture, Maimon Yair
Masterclass SHEN en PTSD, Tzafrir Nachmani, ICZO-Antwerp
2019. Masterclass Mastering the art of Abdominal acupuncture, Dave Shipsey
Masterclass Bu-ming acupunctuur, Bruno Braeckman, ICZO-Antwerp
2013-'17 Traditionele Chinese geneeskunde - acupunctuur, ICZO-Antwerp
2016-’17 Reiki eerste en tweede graad – Master Nanou, Brussels
2012-'16 Verpleegkunde – Erasmus hogeschool, Brussels
2016. Masterclass Bu-ming acupunctuur, ICZO-Antwerp
2015. Masterclass Laseracupunctuur, ICZO-Antwerp
2014. Masterclass NADA – ooracupunctuur, ICZO-Antwerp
2011. Masterclass Chi Nei Tsang, OTCG-Antwerp
2011. TuiNa –Chinese therapeutische massage, OTCG-Antwerp
2010. Basisjaar theorie traditionele Chinese geneeskunde, OTCG-Antwerp